
About us

About us

The last few years witnessed a rapid spread of social innovation concepts which is defined as a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions. The value created accrues by social innovation primarily to society rather than to private individuals. Social Innovation Expert is an innovative organization with the aim to repeatedly create and build innovation into companies & organizations. We are the pioneer of the social innovation in Middle East. Thanks to its generous and created resourceful think-tank, Social Innovation Expert foster and increase a social entrepreneur’s chances of innovate and optimize its creation and growth.

• Focus on creating ideas, products and solutions handling global social & economic challenges
• Working on design, development, and implementation of new Labs
• Utilizing extensive global network for advancement of product growth and strategy
• Understand risk taking, paradigm shift, and paradigm paralysis of the social innovation.
• Meet and exchange views with successful social entrepreneurs in the same sector.
• Create viable business models for social businesses.
• To link business ideas to our financial markets and investments.
• To spread best practices of Islamic banking for M&SME’s.

1- Real ground experience
Based on the deep understanding of the challenges, SIE was able to develop higyly value-added services and products. The first product developed by was the Social Innovation Labs (SILs®) providing groundbreaking approach to tackle complex social challenge and support the journey of change makers. SIL® uses social innovation, ideation lab, business modeling and the associated tool kits and processes as promising tool for generating new solutions to the social challenges in the world, especially Muslim countries. The elaborated SILs® work as a simplified one-stop resource center highlighting to key methods, tools, techniques, emerging insights, to support individual or organization interested in advancing their communities.
2- Focus on underdeveloped and Muslim countries’ challenges
Development investment in Muslim countries is slow and chronicle social, cultural and economic problems are more engraved in their societies. They suffer from enormous pressing challenges like lack of entrepreneurial cultural, low quality of health services, empowering of women, underdevelopment of cultural and arts, preservation cultural heritage, untapped sustainable tourism, lack of S&T education, child labor and unfair trade, etc. More, despite the fact that Muslim countries are constituted mainly of large young population (e.g., the median age of Indonesian population, 255 million is 29) youth are not really involved in the development plans nor invited to contribute actively, in the process of modernize these countries.
Founder’s profile

SOCIAL INNOVATION EXPERT is a unique organization established to develop innovation and creativity in the fields of economic and social development.

SOCIAL INNOVATION EXPERT doesn’t have the vision to be the leading or the first or the most powerful organization. It just has the vision to be the most efficient and influential tool in sharing and connecting the global knowledge in social innovation.